Regular Maintenance Tips for Your Pool
We are now well into the summer season and for those who have a swimming pool, it is important to do a weekly maintenance. This is essential as it ensures overall comfort for you and your family, and protects your equipment.
By following the recommendations below, any pool owner can maintain his or her own swimming pool with the same results as the high-priced professionals.
Check the Filter
The three most popular types of filters – sand, cartridge, and vertical grid DE – screen out debris and particles from your pool water. You should clean and maintain your filter according to the manufacturer’s directions.
Skim off leaves and debris
Use a long-handled leaf skimmer to gather up leaves, insects, and any other debris floating on the surface of the pool. Try to remove debris before it sinks to the bottom of your pool where it becomes difficult to remove and may create stains.
Brush the pool
Use a brush to remove dirt that has collected on the sides and bottom of your pool. Brush sediment toward the main drain so it can be easily vacuumed.
Vacuum the pool
Submerge your vacuum head and hose, before hooking up the vacuum to the filter. Move the vacuum head, pole, and hose around, while picking up all dirt and debris. If there is a lot of dirt and debris, clean out the lint strainer, and backwash. You must backwash, otherwise you will be sending out dirty water to clean with.
Clean the skimmer(s)
You should also clean out your skimmer(s) weekly or more often if necessary. Removing debris allows the skimmer to operate at maximum efficiency.
Check the water circulation
Your pool’s circulation system includes the skimmer, pump, pump strainer, drains, and filter. The system helps chemicals work effectively and ensures that water is properly filtered.
Run your pump long enough each day to make sure the water is properly filtered and keep each item clean and in good condition. A good rule of thumb is to run your pump about 1 hour for every 10º of temperature. Circulation is the key to a low maintenance swimming pool. Remember – if your pump is not running, the water from your pool is not being properly circulated or filtered. Running the pump and circulating the water is the best way to help prevent problems.
Balance the pool water
Test your pool water frequently (daily or weekly depending on use) and add chemicals if necessary, following manufacturers’ directions. A properly balanced pool has water which is neither too acidic (low pH) nor too alkaline (high pH), and which has the correct calcium hardness and total alkalinity levels. Correct balance ensures optimal performance of your sanitizer system to keep bacteria in check. It also minimizes corrosion or scale buildup on pools or parts, and makes the water feel smooth and comfortable while helping to prevent eye and skin irritation.
Shock the pool
Shocking the pool on a weekly basis is an important element in keeping the pool clear and clean. Swimmers and the environment add waste to the pool that must be eliminated on a regular basis in order to prevent problems such as algae and cloudy water. Your local pool store offers a variety of products to shock your pool. They can recommend the product best suited for your shocking needs.
Although it may seem difficult, cleaning and maintaining a swimming pool is fairly simple when you have the right tools and guidance. Regular maintenance will extend the life of your swimming pool considerably. And if there are any complication or concerns, you can always seek help from a professional.